the past.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
12:50 PM
Woke up at 12 today... Wait for mum to bring home food then went to Mail house to chill. We watched hindustan at vasantham. Gerek dok! After that i go al-salam to buy food then bring up to mail's house. Few minutes later, ari called and said he was on his way to mail house already. Lepak till around 11.30 then go to the mosque to meet my dad, my dad was abit late coz he go fetch my mum. So, while waiting we sit at a railing. Mail camwhore his ownself as per usual and we looked at cars passing. Like no-life. Oh ya rewang at the mosque. Called Nabeel to join but that motherfucker dont want to follow. But Izah came uh.HAHAHAHAH! Lepas dah rewang2 sume, my dad dah penat and wants to go home. He sent ari home and he drived home. I want to sleep ari's house but he dont let. Cb sia! Bt nvm uh. k uh thats all , malas nk type lagi. Ni pon mepek nye english aku tulis. K CHOWWWW!Pit 17 pictures.

Me and
NABEEL the gayLORD! LOL. My face also like gay. But Nabeel more uh. haha!